Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec placerat convallis mattis. Donec eu volutpat nisl. Curabitur nec orci eget augue vehicula vestibulum ut a nisl. Nulla molestie velit at ante facilisis ut fringilla tellus rhoncus. In consectetur nunc at dui ultrices tempus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc interdum tincidunt scelerisque. Mauris placerat augue ut magna mattis id dignissim metus tristique. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse sed mattis nisl.
VentureGroup's general services that we offer to all agents are listed here. Please click on each to read more about how VG helps our agents.
Commissions Auditing - VG’s commission reconciliation specialists compare all order information in our proprietary web based order entry system to the commission reports that are provided by the carrier,with any deviations researched and discrepancies logged with the carrier. We find that without extensive auditing, the commissions can be off by 50% from some carriers. The time and expense that it takes to recover the commissions can distract an agent from their central mission of selling and servicing customers. Additionally, through this auditing process, order entry and billing errors are detected, leading to quicker corrections that prevent customer complaints and churn.