Carrier Solutions

VG offers a wide array of services to its carrier partners that go well beyond providing a large nationwide network of agents to sell your services through automated quoting and ordering systems.   We offer services that can be used to automate and scale your alternate channel programs while reducing your total cost.   VG can provide any component of its systems and capabilities to a carrier as a vendor, even if we do not have an agency relationship.

Wholesale Consulting Services

VG is very adept at helping carriers reduce their network costs for voice and data services as well as procure agreements for off-net services.   VG has relationships with many voice termination providers that can be put into your routing tables and reduce your costs and improve your quality and redundancy.  Savings of 20-25% are not uncommon.  In addition, VG has relationships with many wholesale providers that can provide termination for short duration calls without commonly imposed penalties for such traffic.   Customers with a lot of short duration calls can be routed onto these networks, increasing your scope of services.   We also have been very successful in helping carriers to find off-net local, LD and data services to meet customer needs outside your competitive footprint or not covered by off-net agreements.