Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec placerat convallis mattis. Donec eu volutpat nisl. Curabitur nec orci eget augue vehicula vestibulum ut a nisl. Nulla molestie velit at ante facilisis ut fringilla tellus rhoncus. In consectetur nunc at dui ultrices tempus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc interdum tincidunt scelerisque. Mauris placerat augue ut magna mattis id dignissim metus tristique. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse sed mattis nisl.
Regardless of which type of agent you are, we offer customized solutions to support your business model and allow you to focus more of your time selling and generating revenue. You do the selling, we can provide the leads, the systems and the personnel to make sure your orders get installed and paid! See descriptions of our value proposition for each agent type to learn more. |
We offer programs custom tailored to the unique needs of VARs. VARs can choose to present solutions directly to the customer or refer any or all parts of the customer opportunity to VG to handle. Many VARs will want to handle data solutions directly with their customers but not the voice services, either local or LD. In such cases, VG can work with the customer to provide the total solution together. Our expanded support program creates more income to you and provides a single point of contact for you and the customer, as well as less opportunity for a competitive carrier to present alternatives that may conflict with your solutions. We also offer options to be paid residual compensation or an all upfront compensation, depending on what you would prefer. We understand your environment and that telecommunications services are ancillary products. We can identify strengths and weaknesses in the offerings, manage the entire installation process and supply a clean install and billing experience so that your relationship with the customer is strengthened. We make it easy to sell and implement telecommunications solutions, have those sales be profitable for your business and have all this happen seamlessly. Below are some key services we can provide to your sales channel.